In order to be successful, it is often said that one must mimic the habits of those who have already attained success. This may seem like a daunting task, but it is possible to narrow down the habits of successful people to 21 key points. If you can make these 12 habits a part of your daily routine, you will be well on your way to success.
They rise early.
One of the most common traits among successful people is that they get up early in the morning. Here are just a few benefits:
- You can get more done in less time, because you’re not wasting hours on social media and cat videos.* You’ll have more energy for exercise, which has been linked to increased productivity and happiness.* You may also find yourself being more productive at work, since getting a head start means fewer interruptions during your day.* The morning is often when your mind is most clear and uncluttered.
They focus on course correction, not failure.
It’s important to understand what failure really is. It’s not a word, it’s an experience — and we all have it. So how do you know when you’ve failed? If you’ve done your best and still didn’t get the results you wanted, then your effort was definitely worth something! But if someone says they want to achieve something and then doesn’t put in the work or effort necessary to achieve their goal, that person has failed no matter how much time passed before they realized it (or admitted it).
So what does this mean for the rest of us? Well, first of all: don’t beat yourself up over failure! Instead of being gloomy about mistakes made on your path toward success — which might include taking a wrong turn here or there — embrace them as valuable learning experiences. The most successful people are able learn from mistakes because they understand that failure is simply part of living life; every decision we make comes with risks and costs associated with them. You can choose which risks are worth taking versus which ones aren’t — and there will always be trade-offs involved in any decision we make.”
They live in a state of meaningfulness.
Meaningfulness is the feeling that you are on a path that is meaningful to you. It can come from your work, relationships, hobbies, and other things that are important to you. Meaningfulness comes from helping others and being part of something bigger than yourself.
Unfortunately, many people pass their days in a state of meaninglessness. They go through the motions at work but don’t feel like they are making any sort of difference or impact on anything or anyone. If this sounds familiar, don’t worry! There are plenty of ways to find meaning in your life — you just need to look for them.
They prioritize their time.
You won’t be able to change your life if you don’t spend time on the right things. As a result, successful people prioritize their time. They know that there is so much more they could be doing with their lives. They also know that they need to make sure they are spending their time on the right things in order to achieve success.
Let’s say you have an appointment tomorrow morning at 10 AM, and another one after lunch around 2 PM. That means you have an hour between appointments where you’re not busy doing anything in particular — but what should you do? Well, if this question were asked of someone who didn’t prioritize his or her time — someone who was just winging it on a day-to-day basis — that person might answer: “I’ll probably just sleep until 10.” Or maybe he would say: “Well I guess I’ll go for a jog.” Or even worse yet: “I’ll stay home and watch TV.” And then we wonder why so many people feel like they’re not getting anywhere! But those who truly understand how important prioritization is will recognize that this hour between appointments presents an opportunity for them to accomplish something great by using their time wisely. It may seem small now (especially when compared to accomplishing big goals), but these little wins add up over time and really help motivate us toward achieving our larger objectives!
They go spend time in nature.
- Go spend time in nature.
- This can be difficult for those of us who live in cities, but it’s one of the most important things you can do to improve your mental health and overall sense of well-being. Even if you have no access outside your apartment or office building, there are ways around this! For example, you could go to a park or garden on your lunch break, or even just sit outside at lunchtime and enjoy the fresh air and sunlight.
If you’re someone who likes hiking (or even just walking), take advantage! Hiking is a way to explore new places while getting exercise at the same time — it’s like multitasking with nature. Maybe try going somewhere new each weekend so that every month or two years has some sort of adventure attached to it — if nothing else than having something new under your belt when talking about yourself later on down the line!
They practice gratitude.
Gratitude is a habit and an attitude. In other words, it’s something you do over and over again.
The key to developing this habit is to start by observing the good things in your life — and there are always plenty of them. Then, take time each day to express your gratitude for those things in writing or verbally (to yourself or others).
Here are some ways that successful people express gratitude:
- They keep a gratitude journal where they write down everything they’re grateful for on a daily basis. This has been shown to improve psychological well-being and reduce stress levels.
- They pause at least once per day to reflect on what they have to be thankful for and then express their appreciation out loud using positive affirmations (for example: “I am so grateful for my health!”).
- They carry around small reminders like cards with uplifting messages written on them or pictures of loved ones who make them smile when times get tough
They exercise regularly.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to boost your mood and energy levels, keep your weight under control, and reduce stress. To reap these benefits, begin with a moderate level of activity: walk 30 minutes a day or do two 20-minute sessions of strength training. If you want to increase the intensity of your workouts or add variety to your routine, try some interval training (interval training alternates high-intensity bursts of activity with short periods of recovery).
As for frequency and duration: The CDC recommends 150 minutes per week (about 30 minutes per day) for adults ages 18 through 64 who do not have chronic conditions that limit their ability to be active; if you’ve been inactive for some time or have medical issues that make exercising difficult, talk with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
They visualize their success.
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. It can help you create your own reality, and it can help you achieve goals.
Visualizing something that hasn’t happened yet is called “retrospective visualization.” This means that you are visualizing a past event as if it were happening in real time. For example, if you want to visualize yourself playing basketball with friends, picture yourself taking shots on the court while they cheer for you from the sidelines. In this scenario, imagine what it would feel like if someone made fun of your shoes or said something mean about your performance — how would these people react? What would be going through their minds? These are all examples of retrospective visualization techniques that lead us closer toward achieving our goals and creating new realities for ourselves
They read continuously.
Reading is a great way to learn new things, gain knowledge, and expand your mind. If you want to be successful in any area of life — whether it’s at work or in your personal relationships — you need to constantly learn. And there are so many ways that reading can help you do that!
Reading will improve the quality of your conversations because you’ll have more interesting things to talk about with people who read regularly. Reading can also help improve the quality of your writing; many highly successful people keep journals and use them as inspiration for their novels or essays. Finally, reading can help you achieve financial success because it helps better understand how businesses work in general and provides valuable insight into trends that could affect the stock market.
They take care of their bodies.
- Eat healthy.
- Exercise regularly.
- Take breaks throughout the day to walk around and stretch, or just sit down and breathe deeply for a few minutes.
- Sleep well each night to allow your body to restore its energy levels. If you have trouble sleeping, try going to bed earlier than normal rather than later — and make sure that you’re not using electronics an hour or two before bedtime; blue light from devices affects melatonin production, which makes it harder for us to fall asleep at night! You can also try some light meditation before bed: close your eyes and focus on taking deep breaths in through the nose, holding them briefly in your lungs, then slowly exhaling through pursed lips as if blowing out a candle flame (but without actually blowing out any candles). This simple practice will help calm both mind and body so that sleep comes readily when you’re ready for it.
They smile.
- Smiling is contagious. In fact, it’s been shown that the more you smile, the happier you’ll feel — and the more likely you are to spread that happiness to others around you. You might not realize how much power a smile has until you try it out for yourself!
- Smiling makes us feel good. Whether it’s because smiling sends signals to your brain (and body) that everything is okay, or because simply pressing those two cheeks together generates endorphins, smiling can make us feel better about ourselves and our day-to-day lives in general.
- Smiling helps us be more approachable as people. I’ve heard from many successful CEOs and entrepreneurs who will tell me that one of their keys to success has been being able to put people at ease during meetings or presentations with them by making eye contact and smiling often — which then leads into better communication overall between parties involved in any given situation!
They take care of their bodies.
You may think this is the stuff of self-help books, but there’s a reason why many of the most successful people in history have had their best ideas while working out. The problem with sitting all day is that it’s physically unhealthy. You need to move around and stretch, or else you’ll get stiff and sore. This also applies to getting enough sleep every night. If you’re tired or distracted, don’t expect your productivity levels to be high!
Finally, keep in mind that good health extends beyond just being physically active: eating right is important too! Avoiding junk food will help reduce stress levels (as well as lower your cholesterol), which could lead to better decision-making skills when making financial choices — or any type of choice at all!
Some things to keep in mind if you want to be successful
If you have a positive attitude and think positively, it’s easier to achieve your goals. You must also believe in yourself and think about what you want to achieve. Think about how much work it will take to achieve your goals, set reasonable goals for yourself, and work hard towards achieving them. Be persistent!
If you want to succeed at something (or even just succeed at life), then you need to be willing to do whatever it takes. If that means spending extra time studying or going the extra mile on a project at work then do it! In order for anything good happen in this world we first have to have passion behind those actions which can lead us towards success but only if we’re willing or able enough make those actions happen with some sort of consistency over time.”
If you’re looking to make changes in your life, the habits of highly successful people are a great place to start. If you want to be more successful, then start by changing your habits!